adult ministries

  • Griefshare

    Help and encouragement after the death of a loved one. GriefShare is a special weekly seminar and support group designed to help you rebuild your life. In 2023, offered on Tuesday evenings from 7 - 8:30 pm beginning August 29 and ending November 28. For more information, access the GriefShare webpage using the link.

  • Monday Evening Adult Bible Study

    Mondays at 7:30 pm in the 5th/6th Grade Class Room

    The  Monday Evening Bible Study Group meets at 7:30 pm in the 5th/6th grade class room.  Interested in joining our group?  Contact Jenn at or Ron Smith at for more information.

  • Thursday Women's Bible Study

    Rev. Lisa's Bible Study meets at 10 am on Thursdays in Room 41-UC

    Please join us as we study from the book by Adam Hamilton called Simon Peter, Flawed But Faithful Disciple. New faces are always welcome.

  • Second blessing

    sundays at 11:15 am in the Parlor

    Second Blessing is an opportunity for adult participants to enjoy a short-term DVD and book study which can enhance their church experience and add another level of understanding to their faith journey. We draw from popular authors. The Second Blessing class will meet on the first Sunday of Lent, Feb. 18th, in the parlor after church. We will begin our 6-week Lenten study by Tom Berlin entitled "The Third Day: Living the Resurrection". The author explores the events that occurred following the discovery of the empty tomb, and their meaning for us today. Look for current notices in the weekly e-news and bulletin. Contact Jenn at or Ron Smith at for more information. 

  • Grey Eagles

    Third wednesdays at 8:45 AM in Fellowship Hall

    Bay UMC's Grey Eagles group consists of senior men of the church who have banded together to accomplish the following purposes: to provide fellowship for the older males of the church, to strengthen their connections to the church, and to increase their personal connections to the beliefs of the church. Meetings include programs about the church, the community, and social issues. Gray Eagles also maintain contact and assist senior men who are ill or disabled. They also provide assistance to the church through prayers, attendance, gifts and service. Contact Frank Gabbert at for more information.

  • UWF (United Women in faith)

    Bay United Women in Faith (formerly, United Methodist Women) support the mission of the church and the ministries of women and children globally through the Women's Division channel of undesignated giving. We are a varied group of women who meet in Circles on a monthly basis. For more information, visit the Bay United Women in Faith webpage.