Amplify Media
Online/smart TV resource center with programs for adult studies, children studies, women's groups, etc. To access Amplify, click on this link.
Adult Discipleship
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Bible Study class will not meet on December 23rd or 30th. Our next meeting will be at 7:30 pm on Monday, January 6th, in the Upper Room. We will discuss Chapter 3 of our Advent study, “The Christmas Letters” by Magrey DeVega. The title is “Fully Human: Joy in Humility”.
Second Blessing
The Second Blessing class will meet at 11:20 in the parlor on Sunday, December 22nd, to complete our Advent study, “Incarnation”, by Adam Hamilton. We will discuss Chapter 4: “The Light of the World” and the Epilogue.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Join Reverend Lisa for Thursday Morning Bible Study on Thursdays @ 10:00 am.
We will not meet on Thursday, December 26.
Upper Room Devotionals
The Upper Room devotional booklets for November/ December are available on the tables in the narthex and lower lobby.